Jan Janson – Quadriplegic
Jan Janson from Noordwijkerhout has a high spinal cord injury (quadriplegic) and has to use an electric wheelchair. At home, he has a BerkelBike Home with Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). It is attached to an aluminium plate with adjusted dimensions so it can be optimally placed in his room.
In the video, Jan is cycling here without Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). His hands are secured in quad grips, and the failure of the triceps is compensated by an extra shoulder movement.
Since his purchase in 2005, Jan has made enormous progress with the BerkelBike. With additional health issues that appeared over time, Jan’s needs changed when it came to training support. He originally bought a BerkelBike Home with FES technology, but after 10 years and numerous changes in his lifestyle, he has changed to the EasyLegs with an electric pedal assist.
Jan Janson is the perfect example of how versatile the BerkelBike products are. Even after numerous changes in his body activity, he is still able to keep in shape and train his body comfortably.
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